trust and let go

feel good and feel more 

connect and blossom


 In one-on-one sessions or in group events

let me accompany you on your
embodied inward journey 

 Cuddle Therapy

Receive relaxing and nourishing non-sexual touch, while feeling safe and accepted. Reconnect with your body and experience authentic togetherness, having your wishes and boundaries respected at all times. Deal with stress, trauma, depression or grief by reprogramming your nervous system and attachment patterns.

 This versatile method of bodywork is one of the cornerstones of my one-to-one sessions. The other one is Somatic Coaching. They can be combine with each other or with other tools that help promote relaxation, insightful mindfulness and healing.

"The day after  the session I felt that warmth coming into my body again in the afternoon. And in the evening I felt much closer to my daughter. Somehow I had the feeling of just having more love in my heart."

E.F., Architect

Some of the places my work has been featured

KuschelRaum Blog article by Rubem about Trauma and Cuddle Therapy. "Die Bedeutung von Nähe: Kuscheltherapie im Kontext von Missbrauch und Trauma".  

2022 feature for German TV (ARD) about touch, professional cuddle services and the trainings offered by the  KuschelRaum: "We are the Cuddle Revolution!"

Coverage of Cuddle Therapy featuring Rubem published in 2023 in several news websites in German language, such as Focus online and Evangelische Zeitung.

2020 Feature for German TV (ZDF) about the covid pandemics, loneliness, health and Cuddle Therapy: "Einsamkeit macht krank - Kuscheln trotz Corona

"There was this precise moment when I started to breath better and a sensation of lightness and a deep relaxation spread through my body ."

- T.P. University Professor

Somatic Coaching

Learn about yourself through practical exercises, about what you really want and your boundaries. Become fluent at body language and improve the way you communicate, both verbally and non-verbally, in all your interpersonal relationships. Experience how to create deeper connections and more authentic interactions.


Somatic Coaching and Cuddle Therapy are great by themselves. Sometimes when combined with the somatic practices bellow, sessions can become even more transformative. 

Osteothai Massage

Thai Massage meets Osteopathy in a somatic meditation. Let go of tension, releasing blockages and stored emotions.
Resonate with your whole body and dive into a lasting experience of deep relaxation and inner peace.

Oil Massage

Treat yourself. Become soft and receptive. Surrender and open yourself to the present moment through sensation. Let go of stress and just feel the warm oil and the pleasant touch on your skin - skillful and respectful. Fine tuning for body and soul. 

Yoga and Breathwork 

Feel your body become more and more alive. Listen to it. Improve your posture and breathing with ease. Develop an empowering and accessible tailor-made practice that will fit in your schedule and improve your quality of life. 

Somatic Meditation

Learn self-regulation and resilience. Practice simple yet effective techniques that will help you navigate your emotions and support your nervous system. Train your body to unwind and your mind to calmly focus on the present moment.

"The clarity and peace of mind I felt after the session lasted for several days and allowed me to intuitively make better decisions." 

A.J., Coach

Information in German about the one-to-one sessions

Some more features

Angeline and Rubem speak in German but with English subtitles about consent culture, how to practice mindful touch and why it matters also for sexuality.

"Kontakt - Die Sehnsucht nach Verbindung". A Podcast about Trauma and Anorexia interviews Rubem about deeper connections and Cuddle Therapy.

Victoria Cabello's Viaggi Pazzeschi (Italian TV8): During their stay in Berlin Victoria and Paride visited the KuschelRaum and spent some time with Angeline and Rubem.

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"Bodyscan: Die Lebendigkeit des Körpers wahrnehmen". A somatic meditation and foundational exercise for developing body awareness.

Professional Trainings

Rubem and Angeline give professional trainings in Cuddle Therapy, Facilitating Conscious Cuddle Experiences (a special kind of cuddle parties or ftouch and communication workshops) and related topics. 

Trainings in German in a group setting are offered regularly in Berlin and as a Retreat in either Switzerland or Austria.
Supervision and some other forms of education are offered in English as well. Contact us for more information.

"The traninig changed my life. Thank you so much for the numerous insights and the introduction to a life filled with self-love and a new openness towards others."

- J.M., Medical Doctor

Group Events & Workshops

Experience, share and learn conscious touch and mind-body awareness in a group setting: Workshops, Retreats, Conscious Cuddle Experiences.

Expand your horizons, grow personally and be part of a loving and ever growing community. Join the CuddleRevolution!

       Live a more balanced,                                                           joyful and meaningful life. 

       Look inside yourself                                                                and find your true potential.

       Let me accompany you on your                                           embodied inward journey.

I'm looking forward to hearing from you!

If you feel like...

  • Booking a session in my space in Berlin Mitte
  • Booking a telephone or videocall consultation (the first one is free of charge)
  • Finding out more details about my work

...just drop me a line!

You can either use the form bellow or write an e-mail at [email protected].
You're welcome to write me in English, German, Swedish, French, Spanish or Portuguese.


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